My Baby turns 4 on Wednesday, and is very excited about the age! So - I bought a T shirt (second hand - trying to sell their old 'good' clothes and replace with bigger 'good clothes', and decided that she would adore for everyone to know her new age!!
So: I went onto a Word Processor, found a font I thought would work, and enlarged it til I was happy:
Then I cut it out (I am IDSO an Exacto knife - but you cant get them in the UK!):
Cut open an old cereal box, drew round my template, and cut that out:
Got some good coloured felt (100% wool is nicest - I prewashed it so that it doesnt shrink or bleed when the T-shirt is washed), and turned my cardboard template over, and drew round my biggest '4', then I eyeballed the template and cut it a bit smaller, then cut out my middle sized '4', then did the same again and cut out my little '4'. I chose to leave the centre in the first one, just because I liked the way it looked:
Then I drew round each, and cut the '4's out of Bondaweb, and ironed each '4' onto the larger one. LOVE Bondaweb!
Then I pondered stirches - decided to keep it simple and a little quirky, and used a simple straight stitch to secure each '4' onto itself and the T shirt:
Ta dah!!! Will post shots of her modelling it on Wednesday :-)

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